
When is point-to-point integration good?

Point-to-point integration is considered the simplest form of integration. It is a popular choice for those working with APIs.

Point-to-point integration is considered the simplest form of integration. In point-to-point, the integration is between two or more endpoints, with just one transform of data in the process. It is a popular choice for those working with APIs. 

Point-to-point is often used for: 

  • API access. Point-to-point can be used effectively if integrations can be modified and deployed again easily when changes are necessary. 
  • Embedded features In cloud services. Point-to-point is a great way to map one SaaS application system to another. 
  • Point-to-point adapters or connectors. In this method, a platform connects to the endpoint systems.

A point-to-point integration can be built quickly by people who are experienced using the technology. The system can be a good choice for smaller companies with relatively few apps that need integration. 

However, some criticize point-to-point for lacking scalability. As a business grows, it will need more integrations, and this can be a challenge with point-to-point. Some have pointed out that the organizations that use point-to-point integration often are forced into a situation where they have to "make do" with what they have. This can limit the ability to pursue new opportunities for the business, and it hamstrings productivity. 

Almost inevitably, the system eventually will fail if the business continues to grow and needs a more robust system. 

The technology also poses a greater security risk than some other technologies. In addition, it requires constant monitoring and updating of many different software applications.